By playing citizen science games like Phylo, Colony B and Borderlands Science, people can join scientific research projects by completing simple activities in their free time. more
New research suggests that a group of volcanoes in Alaska might be all related to a single large caldera, but this doesn't mean we have a new Yellowstone. more
Most people eat very little offal, if any at all. Could going the whole hog reduce the environmental footprint associated with meat consumption? It depends. more
Review the best joint health supplements for men and women seeking natural joint pain relief support using scientific research and ingredients for real results. more
One of the first to attempt to write down an account of the past, Herodotus helped establish a historical tradition that continues to this day. more
Wireless providers promise the fastest networks ever. But industries and infrastructure, not smartphone users, will likely get the biggest boost. more
Since a dramatic peak in the 1980s, serial killers in the U.S. have been in decline for three decades. Experts have a few theories that can help explain why. more