Why do People Feel the Need to Litter?

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Litter — it's the burger wrapper tossed from a moving car, the plastic bottle left behind at the beach and the cigarette butt dropped on the sidewalk. Improperly disposed of garbage doesn't just litter the land. Trash is afflicting the oceans, and the deputy general of the U.N. called marine litter a "ubiquitous global problem."Why can't some people just hold onto that burger wrapper? Or tuck a plastic bottle back into their bag? Researchers call it "littering behavior," and there are mult ...read more

A Wandering Mind is Part of Our Evolution

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Mindfulness is such a buzzword. We all want it, but our ability to attain it is fleeting. We fear life is passing us by, and as the world moves faster and faster, living in the present moment seems more difficult. But while mindfulness is the key to happiness, mind wandering is the key to our survival as a species.The Evolution of the Wandering MindAccording to Michael Graziano, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Princeton University, we did evolve to have attention, a crucially impo ...read more

What Research Says About the Lead-Crime Hypothesis

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It is scientifically proven that lead exposure causes harm, and the impact on children is especially devastating. Depending on the amount and duration of exposure — children can be affected negatively. Issues can range from delayed brain and nervous system development, learning and behavior problems, lower IQ, decreased attention span and hearing or speech issues.Lead Crime HypothesisFor decades, some in the criminal justice, medical and economic communities have believed that lead exposure ...read more

As Glaciers Retreat, New Streams for Salmon

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Pushing off from the dock on a boat called the Capelin, Sandy Milner’s small team of scientists heads north, navigating through patchy fog past a behemoth cruise ship. As the Capelin slows to motor through humpback whale feeding grounds, distant plumes of their exhalations rise from the surface on this calm July morning. Dozens of sea otters dot the water. Lolling on backs, some with babes in arms, they turn their heads curiously as the boat speeds by. Seabirds and seals speckle floating ...read more

What Is the Function of the Appendix?

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Most of us are familiar with the appendix, that worm-shaped tube at the beginning of the large intestine, even if we can’t remember which side of the abdomen it resides. (Hint: It’s not the left side.)It's easy to forget the four-inch-long organ is there at all — until it becomes inflamed or bursts, that is. More than 1 in 20 Americans will develop a case of appendicitis at some point, according to the National Institutes of Health, which can sometimes lead to serious and even fatal compli ...read more

Studies of Blue Marble Helps Findings on Red Planet

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This story was originally published in our May/June 2023 issue as "Blue Marble, Red Planet." Click here to subscribe to read more stories like this one.For the first time in the history of our solar system, humans are collecting rocks from another planet. Since the Perseverance rover landed on Mars in early 2021, NASA scientists have been guiding it across the Jezero Crater, an ancient martian lakebed. When the rover reaches a site of geological interest, it drills out a small rock sample and ...read more

New Evidence Found for Stone Age Children, Thought Lost to Time

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Christian Tryon, a professor of anthropology at the University of Connecticut, knew stone tools, but he didn’t know teeth.He was looking at a photograph of just that, ancient dentition recovered from a decades-old archaeological site in Lebanon. The photograph had come from the papers of a close associate of Rev. J. Franklin Ewing, the original expedition leader.The Trail to EgbertAt first, Tryon thought the teeth belonged to the remains of an ancient child named “Egbert” by Ewing, bones l ...read more

How Did Humans Evolve?

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Around 6 to 8 million years ago, deep in the rainforests of Africa, humans shared a distant ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos. Since then, a lot has happened. We climbed down from the trees, stood upright, learned to hunt, found fire and spread across the globe. But how? How does human evolution actually work?Toward the end of the Miocene — a geological epoch that occurred from 23 to 5.3 million years ago — humans began to diverge as their own distinctive primate from a common ancestor ...read more

Caught in the act: UFOs, exoplanets and colons:

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Earlier this year, the world was transfixed by the appearance of balloon-like objects looming over continental United States and other parts of the world. These unidentified flying objects caused such a fear and furor that many were tracked avidly, some disappeared magically and at least one was shot down by the US military.These objects are poorly understood so an important role for researchers is to bring the steely eye of science to bear on the issue of what these things really are.Now we hav ...read more

The Ancient History of Wedding Rings

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Marking an engagement or the big wedding day itself with a ring is part and parcel of many cultures today. But you may be surprised to learn that wearing the ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is a tradition dating back at least a thousand years.It’s a practice that’s thought to stem from the belief that a vein ran from this finger all the way to the heart — the vena amoris. This idea is often attributed to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, but the origins of the ring itse ...read more

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