What Does Being “Ghosted” Mean and Why Does It Make Us Feel So Bad?

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It hurts to know that someone you care about on the other end of a text, phone call or email has gotten your message and chosen not to reply. Whether it's a potential romantic partner, a friend or a family member, when relationships become uneven, it cuts at our very core. Being "ghosted" isn't anything new, but it's made worse in a world of instant messaging, online dating and social media. Experts say this can impact our mental health in ways we might not even realize.What Does It Mean To Be ...read more

What’s the Meaning Behind a Dog’s Welcomed (or Not Welcomed) Lick?

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If you've ever experienced the slobbery kisses of your furry friend or been baffled by your pup licking the carpet incessantly, you may have wondered what the meaning is behind a dog’s licks. Dogs have their own ways of interacting with the world, and licking is a multitool in their behavioral toolkit. While generally a normal dog behavior, licking can also indicate underlying health problems in your canine companion. Licking Starts at BirthFrom the time they’re born, puppies receive countle ...read more

What Is Lewy Body Dementia and What Are the Signs To Watch For?

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Although Lewy body dementia is one of the most common forms of dementia, it’s not exactly a household term, and many people are unfamiliar with it. In the past, many clinicians have also not known much about it or how it’s distinct from other dementia types.One advocate described how he researched dementia after his wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 1999. He told her physicians he believed his wife had Lewy body dementia and worried her treatment plan might be harmful. Her c ...read more

Do Humans Have a More Curious Nature Than Our Ape Relatives?

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Arguably, one of the defining features of humanity is our curiosity. We’ve built microscopes to peek into the world of the very small, and we’ve built telescopes to see the world of the very large.And though the natural world is often the subject of our curiosity, so are other people — and even ourselves. When someone tells you they have a secret, for example, you can’t help but wonder what they might be concealing.But is our propensity for curiosity really that unique? Isn’t curiosity ...read more

“Dinosaur Park” Makes Good on Its Name and Uncovers a Trove of Dinosaur Bones

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The most significant paleological discovery to hit Maryland in 100 years – the uncovering of a historic "bone bed" – was announced earlier this month.But getting to the bottom of the fossil collection and documenting it all took researchers about 10 years.Discovering the FossilsIn 2013, an employee at Dinosaur Park – a small fossil preserve in Laurel, Maryland – first spotted something blue-green buried in the ground. The former riverbed and mining site had a long history of fossil finds ...read more

How Absolute Space and Sense of Direction Affect Different Languages

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English, like the vast majority of languages, is spatially egocentric. We speak of bending over backward, walking forward, turning left and right — whenever we describe space, we do so with relation to ourselves.Grammatically, we take for granted our own centrality. But not all languages operate this way.If you were to ask the way to the supermarket in Hopevale, Australia, the Aboriginal residents wouldn’t dream of offering a confusing series of “lefts” and “rights.” In their native ...read more

How a Fossil Hotspot Reveals Two New Species of Sabretooth Cat

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Sabretooth cats, known for their elongated and sharp teeth resembling a canine, were found across the planet from the Eocene to the Pleistocene Epoch, between 56 million years to 11,700 years ago. And now, paleontologists discovered two new species of sabretooth cat after re-analyzing a collection of fossils in Langebaanweg, South Africa.The collection is the largest global assortment of Pliocene fossils containing various late Cainozoic fossil vertebrates and invertebrates. They are housed at t ...read more

The Oni of Japanese Folklore: Are They Fierce Demons or Cute and Gentle?

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In some of their earliest iterations, they were considered to be responsible for natural disasters or destructive forces like thunder and lightning. In other tales, they appear as grotesque, loincloth-clad ogres with sharp teeth and horns. Sometimes, they are depicted as mountain-dwelling crones shunned by society. In some modern iterations, they can even be cute and gentle. These entities can all be categorized as oni — supernatural figures that appear across Japanese literature, folklore, ar ...read more

How Early Asteroid Impacts Created Conditions For Life

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One of the greatest mysteries of modern science is how life on Earth began. Scientists believe Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago and that life emerged a few hundred million years later during a period known as the Hadean eon. But exactly how this happened is the subject of huge debate.One widely championed theory is that Earth was covered with a prebiotic soup that catalyzed the formation of ribonucleic acid encapsulated within clusters of surfactant molecules. These clusters eventually f ...read more

Did Sea Creatures Inspire Mermaid Folklore or Are Mermaids Real?

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Whether you grew up with Hans Christan Anderson fairy tales or watched Peter Pan, Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter, you’ve probably heard of mermaid legends. There isn’t much evidence, except for speculation, that mermaids existed. However, these legends can be found all over the world. Some believe that aquatic mammals such as manatees and dugongs inspired mermaid legends. There is even an account from Christopher Columbus saying that members of his crew had spotted “mermai ...read more

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