As we age, we start looking for ways to slow down its process. Magnesium supplements might help keep age-related illnesses at bay. Various studies have found that magnesium deficiencies are linked to aging. A survey in Magnesium Research found that when we get older, the magnesium levels in our bodies also decrease because of changes in our ability to absorb magnesium.Our magnesium intake decreases because our ability to absorb it in our intestines also decreases. However, a reduced amount of ma more
Anyone who has ever experienced a migraine knows it’s not just a headache. Worldwide, 12 to 15 percent of the population is impacted by this often debilitating condition. Most migraine sufferers have two to four each month, but people who experience chronic migraines have symptoms for at least 15 days a month.There are a variety of medications that are used to treat migraines. Although many patients find them effective, they can cause unpleasant side effects. A natural option is magnesium, whi more
The solar eclipse is the big event of the second week of Citizen Science Month, with activities for folks who will be in the eclipse path and also for those who aren’t. There are also other great citizen science activities, celebrating National Pet Day, National Library Week, and more! One Million Acts of Science ChallengeCitizen scientists all over the world are sharing their "act of science" on social media (credit: SciStarter)SciStarter is challenging the public to perform one million acts more
Jena, Germany, 1924: Working in near-isolation and with painstaking tediousness, the psychiatrist Hans Berger observes rhythmic electrical activity from the scalp of human subjects. He is convinced the activity arises from within the brain and coins the term “electroencephalogram.”It is 10 years before the scientific community accepts Berger’s work, birthing the field of electroencephalography, or EEG for short.Today, the electroencephalogram – also abbreviated as EEG – is widely known more
Every neighborhood has that one unkempt house with an overgrown lawn no one ever seems to mow. Dandelion flowers sprout from the cracks in the pavement, and the property looks like a prairie dotted with the yellow weed.A neighbor might see an eyesore and a homeowner’s association might see violations worthy of hefty fines. But increasingly, researchers who study nutraceuticals see the dandelion as a natural remedy with chemical compounds that can help with various ailments. What Is Dandel more
Sleeping with your dog in the same room could be negatively affecting your sleep quality, according to my team’s recently published research in Scientific Reports.We recruited a nationally representative sample of more than 1,500 American adults who completed questionnaires assessing their sleep habits. Overall, about half of the participants reported co-sleeping with pets – defined in our study as sleeping in the same room with your pet for at least part of the night.Next, our research team more
On March 8, 2014, the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370) stunned the world. The incident has given rise to several theories that have attempted to explain the mysterious fate of the flight's 227 passengers and 12 crew. The presumed 239 fatalities made this one of the deadliest episodes in aviation history, yet what caused it remains unresolved to this day. What Happened to MH370?Any known details about the plane's disappearance are extremely scarce. MH370 was flying from Kual more
David Grimaldi pauses before a gleaming white cabinet, one of dozens arranged in long rows in a sparse, high-ceilinged room on the first floor of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York. With care, Grimaldi pulls a glass-topped box from its shelf, revealing row upon row of jewel-bright butterflies pinned to a backing board, their yellow and aquamarine hues little dimmed by age. The smell of mothballs wafts from the interior, the ghost of the paradichlorobenzene used decades ago more
During the Triassic Period (251 million to 220 million years ago), the first known dinosaurs grew rapidly and continuously — but so did many other reptiles that lived then, according to a new study in PLOS One. However, over time, dinosaur descendants generally kept up these fast growth rates, while the descendants of other reptiles eventually grew more slowly.“One of the cool things that our study confirmed, is that, back in this Triassic system, even animals that were more closely related more
When we talk about survival of the fittest, the first image that often comes to mind is that of giant, vicious predators capable of killing their way to dominance — whether that's Tyrannosaurus rex or the giant ichthyosaurs that once dominated the ocean. While those titans went extinct eons ago, some of the giant reptiles that lived alongside them — specifically, turtles — focused more on defensive strategies, helping them survive against such fearsome predators. For example, paleontologis more