We're still on track to experience the second or third warmest year globally in records dating back to 1880

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A global map from NASA of how Earth’s surface temperatures last month departed from the 1951-1980 August average. (Source: NASA GISTEMP. Note: part of Antarctica is gray because data from some stations there were not yet available at the time of this analysis.) Last month was among the very warmest on record, according to two new analyses – and the heat is very likely to continue. With less than four months left to go in 2017,  the year will probably come in as second ...read more

Dinosaur Diet Discovery: “Plant-Eater” Snacked On Crustaceans

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Have researchers been as wrong about the dinosaur diet as famed illustrator Charles Knight was about hadrosaurs in this rather sketchy 1897 rendering? Duckbilled dinosaurs like this fella usually put four on the floor, and no dino dragged its tail or had the sprawling posture shown here. (Credit American Museum of Natural History) Like that vegetarian friend of yours who sneaks a piece of bacon when no one’s looking, it appears that at least some dinosaurs previously though ...read more

Scotland’s Oldest Snow Patch May Not See Another Sunrise

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(Credit: Iain Cameron) Resting beneath the 1,000-foot cliffs of Scotland’s Aonach’s Beag mountain range, The Sphinx –one of the country’s proudest snowcaps—is on its deathbed. “It’s a very sorry sight,” says Iain Cameron, a leading snow expert and arguably one of Edinburgh’s most dedicated “snow patchers,” a group of people who seek out and track the changes in the island’s coldest landmarks. These patches “tend to si ...read more

The Brain's Sensational Juggling Act

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(Credit: Shutterstock) You’re bombarded with sensory information every day — sights, sounds, smells, touches and tastes. A constant barrage that your brain has to manage, deciding which information to trust or which sense to use as a backup when another fails. Understanding how the brain evaluates and juggles all this input could be the key to designing better therapies for patients recovering from stroke, nerve injuries, or other conditions. It could also help engineers build more ...read more

Do We Live in a 'Normal' Galaxy?

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(Credit: NASA) Our home galaxy, the Milky Way, has been a jumping-off point to our understanding of galaxies throughout the universe. And though our picture of that home galaxy has evolved over time as astronomers have developed better ways to catalog and map its contents, we’ve largely believed the Milky Way was a “typical” example of a spiral galaxy. Now, astronomers are taking steps to determine whether that’s really true. New data from the Satellites Around Galactic ...read more

How the Invention of Zero Yielded Modern Mathematics

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(Credit: Shutterstock) A small dot on an old piece of birch bark marks one of the biggest events in the history of mathematics. The bark is actually part of an ancient Indian mathematical document known as the Bakhshali manuscript. And the dot is the first known recorded use of the number zero. What’s more, researchers from the University of Oxford recently discovered the document is 500 years older than was previously estimated, dating to the third or fourth century – a breakthroug ...read more

When Faced With Competition, Duck Penises Get Weird(er)

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Is he one of the lucky ones? (Credit: Shutterstock/Herman Veenendaal Dating is a tough game. No matter where you go, it seems like there’s always someone who’s more attractive, funnier or remembers to shower. Losing out sucks, but hey, at least you get to keep your penis. Not so for ruddy ducks. They only grow penises during mating season, and when forced to compete for mates, the scrawnier ducks don’t even bother to put in much effort. Some ruddy ducks can grow pen ...read more

After shrinking to a shocking record low at end of winter, Arctic sea ice staged a modest comeback this summer

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But despite claims to the contrary, one warmish summer in the Arctic does not repeal the long-term trend of human-caused warming This visualization shows how the extent of Arctic sea ice has evolved through time. The animation begins when the ice reached its wintertime maximum extent on March 7, 2017, and it ends on September 13, 2017, when the ice shrank to its minimum extent for the year. (Source: NASA Scientific Visualization Studio/Helen-Nicole Kostis) Arctic sea ice has sta ...read more

Having your dog in the bed is bad for your sleep.

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Photo: flickr/dixie wells Dog owners, we have some “ruff” news for you: according to this study, it might not be the best idea to let Fido sleep in your bed. These researchers tracked the sleep of 40 humans and their dogs by having them both wear movement tracking devices to bed for a week. They found that the humans slept worse when the dog slept in the bed with them, as opposed to on the floor in the same room, likely due to the dog’s movement during sleep. Doggie cosl ...read more

Introducing SciStarter 2.0; built with you in mind.

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You spoke, SciStarter listened. Check out the new SciStarter, your source for real science you can do, featuring more than 1600 current opportunities for you (yup, you!) to advance scientific research, locally or globally. Most of the awesome citizen science projects you learn about here (on this Citizen Science Salon blog and throughout the awesome DiscoverMagazine.com website), are sourced from SciStarter, through a long-standing partnership and commitment to bring you opportuni ...read more

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