Robots Rule This Futuristic Barley Field

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An automated combine harvests crops. (Credit: Hands-Free Hectare) Is there anything more quintessentially American than a farmer in the heartland, toiling away on their land? But this vision of agrarian life will fade into the dusty shelves of sentimental nostalgia, because agriculture is poised to become an industry ruled by robot laborers. Companies like Hands Free Hectare (HFHa) are leading the way. After a year of work, the HFHa project successfully harvested a crop of spring barley, grown more

Finding E.T. Here On Earth

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Saturn’s moon Enceladus. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute) When aliens arrive in the movies, they typically come from distant galaxies. Extraterrestrial life, however, could exist right here in our own solar system, nestled in briny oceans under the surface of icy worlds close to home. Multiple moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn have proven to hold, or once held, liquid oceans. Of these, Saturn’s moon Enceladus has emerged as the most promising candidate for li more

The Annual 9/11 ‘Tribute in Light’ Really Messes With the Birds

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A new study shows that one million birds have been influenced by NYC’s annual “Tribute in Light,” which memorializes 9/11 victims. Scientists say the study shows the larger impact of light pollution. (Image by Abc36/Wikimedia Commons) For one night every year, 88 Manhattan searchlights beam two columns of light toward the heavens. These “phantom towers,” known as the Tribute in Light, are an annual reminder of the thousands who died in the 2001 terrorist attacks. more

Brazil's Moon Tree Warrior

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Vilso Cembranel tends to the moon tree he saved from the brink of death. (Credit: Andrew Jenner) On a warm, windy August day in 1981, a crowd gathered at the fairgrounds in Santa Rosa for the final event of the soybean fair that’s held every other year in the small city in southern Brazil. Schools had let out so local students could attend, along with curious fairgoers and a collection of bigwigs whose rank rose all the way up to João Figueiredo, then the president of Brazil. Spee more

New Gesture Control Tech Works With Any Object — Even Pets

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Lancaster University researcher Christopher Clarke selects a channel to watch by using his mug as a remote control. He moves his drink left or right until to find what he wants to watch. (Credit: Lancaster University) Take a look at the objects around you. Using a new gesture control technology, any one of those items—even your pets—could control your television. The remote will never be lost again! Researchers from England’s Lancaster University have developed a new technolog more

Whistling While They Work: Cooperative Laguna Dolphins Have A Unique Accent

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Fishermen working with a cooperative dolphin to enhance their catch. Photo Credit: Carolina Stratico When the mullet migrate northward, the fishermen in Laguna, Brazil are waiting. They rise early and take their places in line, waist-deep in the water, tarrafa—a kind of circular throwing net—in hand. Without a word, the dolphins arrive, herding schools of mullet towards the fisher line. The fishers say that the dolphins are an essential part of their fishing; they wait to more

NASA Wants to Know Cost of Space Solar Power

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Space solar power stations or satellites could someday beam energy down to Earth or to remote space mining operations. Credit: NASA Harnessing the sun’s energy with orbital space power stations and beaming the power to Earth has been a science fiction dream ever since Isaac Asimov wrote a 1941 short story called “Reason.” But the idea has never quite gotten off the ground despite decades of intermittent interest and research for the United States and other countries more

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