How the Bilingual Brain Switches Languages
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Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Feasting off unusually warm sea surface waters, Hurricane Florence has exploded in strength
National Hurricane Center: “Unfortunately, the models were right” Astronaut Rickey Arnold took this spectacular photograph of Hurricane Florence from the International Space Station at 8:10 a.m. EDT on Sept. 10 as it moved west across the Atlantic. Please click to enlarge it. (Source: NASA) When I woke up this morning, Hurricane Florence was a Category 1 storm with maximum sustained winds a little above 100 miles per hour. As the storm has moved over very warm waters more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Inching Toward De-Extinction: Can CRISPR Resurrect Passenger Pigeons?
Scientists are trying to “de-extinct” the passenger pigeon by modifying the genes of more common pigeons. These birds have been altered so their offspring will be easier to edit with CRISPR. (Credit: Ben Novak) Ben Novak’s pigeons aren’t much to look at. Cosmetically, they’re not too different from the scavengers you’d see on any city street. But dive down to the cellular level, and you’ll find something very unusual: they’ve been bred for easier more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Technology Aims to Bring Us Longer Lives. How Ethical is That?
(Credit: Lightspring/Shutterstock) Life extension – using science to slow or halt human aging so that people live far longer than they do naturally – may one day be possible. Big business is taking this possibility seriously. In 2013 Google founded a company called Calico to develop life extension methods, and Silicon Valley billionaires Jeff Bezos and Peter Thiel have invested in Unity Biotechnology, which has a market cap of US$700 million. Unity Biotechnology focu more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Vegetarian Diets Use Half As Much Water
A new study shows that low meat diets, like those followed by pescatarians and vegetarians, use far less water than meat-rich diets. (Credit: Seika Chujo/shutterstock) The world’s freshwater is in short supply thanks in part to a ballooning global population that uses thousands of liters of water everyday to produce foodstuffs from oil and vegetables to meat, dairy and alcohol. Now researchers have discovered new evidence that a healthy diet, like those followed by pescatarians and veget more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Democracy At Play – Constitution Day Challenge
Check out iCivics’ Democracy at Play challenge! National Constitution Week is September 17-22. To celebrate, we are partnering with iCivics, the nation’s leading provider of civic education, to help America raise its game. The Constitution is the heart of our democracy, but how well do we really know the rights it guarantees? Let’s find out. We’re challenging you to test your Bill of Rights knowledge. It’s easy, fun and FREE. Just cli more
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Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Watch as Florence blossoms from a tropical storm to a hurricane that now poses life-threatening impacts
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Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Probiotics Probably Don’t Help As Much As You Think They Do
Probiotics might not do as much for our bodies as we assume. (Credit: RomarioIen/shutterstock) Plenty of people sing the praises of probiotics. These cultures of live bacteria can come in an array of products, from foods like yogurts to dietary supplements and even skin creams. Generally, these products tend to claim they’ll boost health by tweaking your microbiome, the collection of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in and on your body. And sometimes, doctors even encourage pe more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on When is it OK For Archaeologists to Dig Up the Dead?
Before deciding to dig up human remains, archaeologists must first ask themselves a complicated set of questions. (Credit: Masarik/shutterstock) Banana was code for human bones, on one archaeological dig where I’ve worked. We were excavating a cemetery, several thousand years old, and had permits from the appropriate authorities. However, certain religious groups in the area had a history of protesting any destruction of burials, so we kept our work discrete. We packed excavated skeleton more