Elephant Poaching is Decreasing as Ivory Demand Slows

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(Credit: Kletr/Shutterstock) Tens of thousands of African elephants die each year from poaching. While astounding, researchers now estimate that number has plummeted since illegal hunting was at its peak in 2011. Just eight years ago, hunters took out more than 10 percent of the African elephant population — some 40,000. Now poaching kills less than four percent of the pachyderms, according to a new report out Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications. Despite the good news ...read more

Comets Are Teaching Us How to Make Breathable Oxygen in Space

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The European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft saw material and gases – including oxygen – erupt off the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. (Credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA) Space is an inhospitable place. For now, when humans go out in space capsules and stations, they need to bring their own air and water — and do without gravity — during their stay. In the future, if humans want to stay in space long-term (and t ...read more

Mutations Mean Gene-Edited Twin CRISPR Babies May Die Early

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Jiankui He talks to Matthew Porteus of Stanford during a panel talk in Hong Kong following his presentation about his gene editing experiment on two twins. (Credit: Ernie Mastroianni/Discover) This past November, Jiankui He, a Chinese scientist, claimed to have edited the genomes of twin girls when they were embryos. Genome editing on human embryos is against the law in the U.S., but not specifically outlawed in China. It is however wrought with ethical concerns because any changes to DNA ca ...read more

Right at Home with Citizen Science

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Explore one of the least scientifically studied places on the planet: your home! Our editors picked these five projects to help you and scientists learn more about indoor air quality, microbes, tap water pipes, and living things lurking in your home! Find more projects you can do at home here. Cheers,The SciStarter Team Never Home Alone: The Wild Life of Our Homes Document the arthropods in and around your home and help make discoveries about the biodiversity indo ...read more

Smoke from Canadian wildfires now covers millions of square miles — and is visible from a million miles away

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As of the morning of May 31, 2019, smoke from Canadian wildfires covered millions of square miles of North America. Yesterday, I published a story featuring satellite views of wildfires burning in northern Alberta: Striking satellite imagery reveals multiple wildfires blazing across northern Alberta Since then, things have gotten worse, with one blaze — the Chuckegg Creek fire — exploding to nearly 1,000 square miles by this morning, up from 580. That means the fire has now sc ...read more

NASA Announces Three Private Companies to Land Science Experiments on the Moon

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Intuitive Machines is one of three companies announced today that will land NASA science experiments on the moon within the next two years. (Credit: Intuitive Machines) During a NASA press conference Friday, Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the agency's Science Mission Directorate, introduced the first three of nine companies awarded contracts to deliver payloads to the moon over the next few years. Those companies are Astrobiotic of Pittsburgh, Intuitive Machines from Housto ...read more

What Flavor is Your Solar System?

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I spend a lot of time on science Twitter. It's a great source of breaking research news (as long as you curate your Twitter feed carefully), but also a fascinating peek into the human psyche. People who love astronomy naturally connect it to the other things that they are passionate about: politics, family, cats, science fiction...and food. Lots and lots of food. It's strange that there aren't any constellations dedicated to food, considering how readily the human mind makes the connection. ( ...read more

From the Gut to the Womb — How the Microbiome Shapes Our Health

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(Credit: lanatoma/Shutterstock) The microbes that live in and on our bodies are fundamentally involved in our well-being. How they affect our health, though, is largely unknown due to the number of different bacteria that call us home and the complexity of our interactions with them. A project from the National Institutes of Health, the Integrated Human Microbiome Project (iHMP) is attempting to dive into those interactions and understand the nitty-gritty of how the microbiome affect ...read more

Study in Mice Says Gut Microbes Might be Directly Linked to Autism

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(Credit: PhotoUG/Shutterstock) Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects at least 1.7 percent of 8-year-olds in the U.S., and it can make social communication like talking and interactions with others difficult. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a hard time at school and often engage in repetitive behaviors. Now, researchers show the collection of bacteria and other microorganisms in the gut known as the microbiome contributes to autism-like behaviors such as decreased social ...read more

A PTSDodgy Genetic Test

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A dubious paper just published in Molecular Neurobiology makes the suggestion that all military recruits should be offered genetic testing to assess their risk of PTSD. According to the authors, Kenneth Blum et al., We hypothesize that, even before combat, soldiers with a childhood background of violence (or with a familial susceptibility risk) would benefit from being genotyped for high-risk alleles (DNA variants). This process may assist us in identifying potential military candidates who ...read more

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