Etna Wakes Up for Summer with a New Eruption

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Spattering lava during the recent eruption at Etna in Italy, seen on May 30, 2019. Image by Giuseppe Distefano, used by permission. Over on Sicily off Italy's western coast, Etna decided to bring the heat for the start of summer. After a fairly quiet few months, the volcano roared back over the weekend with explosions, new fissures opening and long lava flows. Etna watchers will be keeping on eye on the volcano to see if this is the start of a set of major eruptions like we saw in 2013. T more

Curiosity Finds Mars Clay That Points Toward Watery Past

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Curiosity snapped this selfie May 12, 2019; to the left of the rover are its two recent two drill sites, "Aberlady" and "Kilmarie." (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS) Finding the conditions to support life on Mars is the main goal for NASA's Curiosity rover, and a new discovery of clay could be leading the rover on the right path.  After drilling in an area on Mars dubbed the “clay-bearing unit,” Curiosity turned up two new samples that have the highest amounts of clay minera more

ESA Draws Up Plans to Bring Back a Sample From Mars

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A sample return mission would require multiple launches and grabbing samples out of Mars’ orbit. (Credit: ESA/ATG Medialab) NASA isn’t the only space agency with a hunger for the Red Planet. The European Space Agency would also like to snatch samples from Mars, and now they're making their own plans for a mission that will bring back priceless pieces of our neighboring planet. ESA’s plans will certainly work in cooperation with NASA’s, and in fact NASA’s upco more

Neuroscience’s Shoe Saga

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If you delve into the wildest depths of the scientific literature, you will find a trilogy of papers so weird, that they have become legendary. In these articles, spanning a 12 year period, author Jarl Flensmark says that heeled shoes cause mental illness, while flat footwear promotes brain health: Is there an association between the use of heeled footwear and schizophrenia? (2004)Physical activity, eccentric contractions of plantar flexors, and neurogenesis: therapeutic potential of fla more

Exercise Alleviates Symptoms of Autism, Mouse Study Says

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(Credit: Andrew Burgess/Shutterstock) Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has no cure. And medications to treat the condition’s core symptoms – anxiety, repetitive behaviors and difficulty engaging in social interactions like talking to others – do not exist. Now researchers may have landed on a simple and effective way to ease autism symptoms: exercise. Exercise reversed autistic behaviors in an animal model of the condition researchers announced Tuesday in the journal&n more

The Search for the World’s Oldest Alcohol

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Before the brewpub there was the brew cave. In Israel's Raqefet Cave archaeologists recently reported traces of what could be the earliest known beer production 13,000 years ago. The evidence comes from three stone mortars, analyzed in a 2018 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports paper. After extracting residues from the rocks, the researchers identified plant molecules, including wheat or barley starches that appeared malted, mashed and fermented — the main ingredients and basic more

Port Expansion Dredging Decimates Coral Populations on Miami Coast

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Officials recently expanded the Port of Miami to allow in larger ships, impacting local coral colonies in the process. (Credit: Felix Mizioznikov/Shutterstock) Coral reefs along the Florida coastline are struggling. Disease has been running rampant among colonies in recent years, and now researchers have found that a billion-dollar dredging project that wrapped up in 2015 killed off more than half of the coral population in the Port of Miami. A study published May 24 in the journal Marin more

Direct Images Show Baby Exoplanets Stealing Gas From Their Parent Star

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The young star system includes two gas giants, shown here in an artist's illustration still forming and carving out gaps in the disk of material around their central star. (Credit: J. Olmsted/STScI) While discoveries of exoplanets are commonplace these days, the most obvious detection method – directly taking a picture of a planet – remains one of the most challenging. And such images almost always reveal a single, giant planet orbiting far from its host star. So researchers w more

Dozens of New Super-distant Supernovas Help Chart the Far-off Cosmos

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A small subset of the supernovas that Subaru discovered. Each set of three images shows (left to right) the sky before the supernova exploded, after, and the difference between the two images. (Credit: N. Yasuda et al.) Before our solar system formed or our sun even began to shine, stars halfway across the cosmos were exploding in brilliant flashes of light called supernovas. The light from their death throes traveled for 8 billion light-years and arrived at Earth sometime in the past few ye more

Chandra Space Telescope Sees Star Pairs Ejected From Galaxies

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Two galaxies in the Fornax Cluster, NGC 1399 and NGC 1404, glow with X-rays when viewed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The bright points of light beyond the galaxies' outskirts may be binary stars that have been kicked out of their homes. (Credit: NASA/CXC/McGill University/X. Jin et al) Astronomers have discovered evidence that some stars can be “kicked out” of their host galaxy, based on data collected by NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory.  The stars in questio more

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