Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
Einstein's equations have held up remarkably well for over a century. But they leave tantalizing gaps in our knowledge. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
Scientists gain a new glimpse into a billions-of-years-old event in the universe that allowed light to shine freely. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
K dwarfs are relatively safe and long-lived, making them potentially ideal stellar neighborhoods for life. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
New advances in stem cell technology are paving the way for same-sex couples to have a baby that’s entirely their own. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
Researchers say helmet usage would keep more riders out of the emergency room. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
A new gravitational wave detection shows two neutron stars slamming together, likely forming a black hole. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
Most mammals have microbiomes specific to their hosts — except bats. It's a trait they share with the other, more feathered, flyers. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
The Tatooine-like planet orbits a pair of stars — one sunlike and the other a red dwarf — once every 95 days or so. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
The TESS program has unearthed yet another potentially Earth-like planet in the universe. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
Multiple large earthquakes have hit Puerto Rico over the past week, all thanks to the geologically-active Caribbean Plate. more