When wildfire smoke dissipates, we tend to forget all about it. But smoke stays in the air for long after, influencing the world around us in unseen ways. ...read more
An animation of satellite imagery shows the ebb and flow of weather systems over nearly an entire month — including one of the most damaging storms on record in the Southern Hemisphere. ...read more
Whales attracted to commercial fishing operations and other human activities can wind up in real trouble. A young Norwegian researcher is trying to help. ...read more
Songs with lyrics that frequently address "you" are more popular, perhaps because this helps us imagine that "you" refers to people in our own lives ...read more
SpaceX and others plan to launch thousands of new satellites into low-Earth orbit, creating streaks that cut through astronomers’ images. Now NASA’s education office is asking citizen scientists to help document the problem. ...read more
Bats are the source of more dangerous viruses than any other mammal. Evolutionary tricks and fierce immune systems make them the perfect hosts. ...read more