How Viruses Evolve
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Pathogens that switch to a new host species have some adapting to do. How does that affect the course of a pandemic like Covid-19? more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on How Viruses Evolve
Pathogens that switch to a new host species have some adapting to do. How does that affect the course of a pandemic like Covid-19? more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on How Antidepressants Work Is a Mystery Scientists Still Don’t Understand
Antidepressants have many unknowns — from why different medications work for different people, why they take so long to work, and why they affect depression symptoms in the first place. more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on How Effective Does a COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine Need to Be to Stop the Pandemic?
A new study has answers. A vaccine that's 70% effective might not be good enough if too few people are willing to be vaccinated. more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Animals Sense Earthquakes Before They Happen. Can They Help Us Predict Disasters?
There are many documented cases of strange animal behavior before earthquakes. Scientists finally put some farm animals to the test. more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Apollo-Soyuz Mission: When the Space Race Ended
The space race formally ended on July 17, 1975, when the U.S. and Soviet Union linked up in orbit and shook hands during the Apollo-Soyuz mission. more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Yes, The Bubonic Plague Is Still Around. But There’s No Need to Freak Out
Cases of the plague are nothing new — and are unlikely to ever cause a widespread epidemic like the Black Death. more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Where Is the Lost City of Atlantis — and Does It Even Exist?
We're sorry to report that Atlantis is indeed fictional. But that hasn’t stopped people from seeking it out for thousands of years. more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on White Noise is the Newest Sleep Fad. But Can Playing It Really Help You Sleep?
White noise may be able to mask noise pollution, but researchers are still searching for answers about how it might impact your quality of sleep. more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on Is Machine Learning Getting Us Closer to Predicting Eruptions?
The 2019 tragedy at New Zealand White Island might have been prevented if there was more warning. Could machine learning allow for better, true prediction of volcanic eruptions? more
Posted on Categories Discover MagazineLeave a comment on A 440-mile-long “Megaflash” Enters the Record Books as the Longest Lightning Bolt Ever Observed
New technology enables scientists to document megaflashes spawned by monster storms. more