To truly see bioluminescence, you must be there. But skilled photographers with the right gear can offer a glimpse: Alfia Rapicano used a six-second shutter speed to capture this moment at Jervis Bay in Australia. more
Early tests show that hyperloop technology can work quickly and safely. Is it coming to a city near you anytime soon? Here's everything you need to know about the super speed train. more
That feeling like your heart has been ripped out of your chest? Turns out you’re not just being melodramatic. Being lovesick can impact your mental and physical wellness, but there are ways to get relief. more
In cultures around the world, red is tied to passion, sex and romance. Does the association come from social learning or our evolutionary heritage? more
"We need to understand the profound impacts that racial inequality, systemic racism and social injustice have on shaping our natural landscape." more
Whether rain or shine, geothermal power is always available and has the potential to save the climate. So, what is stopping us from utilizing it? more