In living organisms, the forces that squeeze and stretch cells play a surprisingly important role in cellular development. Now a new form of microscopy is set to provide greater insight by studying the wrinkles cellular forces create. more
You've probably heard of the gut-brain connection. But did you know that the bacteria that live in your gut also influence your lungs in ways scientists are only beginning to understand? more
These next-gen solutions will provide safer, more stable and longer-lasting power for everything from the energy grids to the phones in our pockets. more
Dramatic sunsets after volcanic eruptions resonated with artists like William Turner, Caspar David Friedrich and Edvard Munch. Their paintings can provide scientists with a clearer picture of the atmospheric changes that occurred. more
The ancient Egyptians watched Earth’s night sky closely and named constellations after their gods. But did the builders of the pyramids really make these monuments with the stars in mind? more