What Were Stone Age Bacteria Like? We Now Have the First Clues

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Bacteria have lived on our planet earth for about 3 billion years, most of the 4.5 billion years that the planet has been around. And while the industrious microbes are central to medicine, disease and most areas of the natural world, we understand little about the form they took in the ancient world.Now, a new study from an interdisciplinary team has taken important steps to understanding stone age bacteria by sequencing genomes recovered from ancient dental calculus. The hardened tartar preser ...read more

Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads to One Side?

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You already know the look: Your dog is staring up at you, its eyes shining with curiosity and ears perked up. And, of course, the pup’s head is cocked slightly to one side in response to the sound of your voice. It’s just one of the many charming quirks that dogs possess. And a quick Google search will offer up plenty of theories for their adorable head-tilting behavior. For example, some veterinarians suggest that dogs tilt their heads toward their owners to show that they are engaged and p ...read more

Top 6 Science Facts for Star Wars Day

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Star Wars exists in the world as science fiction, perhaps as “soft” science fiction that deviates from established science when desired for story or choking Imperial officers. Nevertheless, it’s affected whole generations’ understanding of outer space with its blend of fantasy and starships. On May the Fourth, Discover takes a look at the science behind this pop culture phenomenon to celebrate Star Wars Day.Where has the mega-franchise gotten science right, and where has it done a Kessel ...read more

Have AI Language Models Achieved Theory of Mind?

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When you converse with the latest chatbots, it’s easy to feel like they get you. Their deft responses often give an undeniable impression that they’re aware not only of what you say, but of what you think — what your words imply about your mental state.Theory of MindAmong psychologists, there’s a term for that: theory of mind. This hallmark of social intelligence allows us to infer the inner reality of another person’s mind based on their speech and behavior, as well as our own knowled ...read more

Are Japan’s Animal Cafes a Bad Idea?

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Animal cafes in Japan offer a wide range of experiences; some offer the opportunity to mingle with cats, dogs or other commonly domesticated creatures while enjoying beverages and sometimes food. Others provide hands-on experiences with exotic, and in some cases, endangered or threatened species. Many of these cafes have become Instagram sensations and if you visit one, it’s hard not to be beguiled by the appeal of the adorable creatures. But how safe are they for the animals?Harry’s Zoo Ca ...read more

The Psychology of Cancel Culture

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Cancel culture is largely a product of social media because it allows huge numbers of people to come together to voice their dislike or disapproval of certain people. By “canceling” people, you’re taking away their voice, business and platform. In a sense, “you’re putting out the fuel of their fire,” especially in the public eye, says psychologist Audrey Tang.Cancel CultureIt’s not that cancel culture didn’t exist before social media — series and sitcoms could be canceled as ...read more

Mammoths Endured Musth, the Wild Process that Affects Bull Elephants

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“Musth,” an annual ordeal which turns male elephants into oozing, aggressive pachyderms, appears to have also affected male mammoths that lived thousands of years ago, according to a new study.Researchers from the University of Michigan led a team that procured a male mammoth tusk first discovered by a diamond-mining company in Siberia in 2007. From this massive tooth, they would detect ancient testosterone levels using a novel method.[embedded content]How to Detect Mammoth TestosteroneFirst ...read more

How to Improve Your Sense of Smell and Taste

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Our sense of smell and taste has played a vital role in human evolution. To this day, we rely on these two senses to help us identify proper foods to eat and recognize potential dangers like fires or gas leaks. A deficit in these senses can negatively impact our lives. And while preventing the impairment or loss of these senses is not always possible, we can often use methods to improve them. The most common related disorders are: Ageusia: The loss of sense of taste.Anosmia: The loss of sens ...read more

How Your Internal Compass Works

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In a lab mouse version of The Truman Show, researchers from Harvard Medical School constructed a little world for a new paper. An eight-inch-wide platform raised 20 inches off the ground stood at the center, covered in mouse bedding. All around curved a tall LED screen, blank until a white, disorienting stripe flashed to one side or the other.The researchers were looking for head direction cells in the mouse, which act as an inner compass in the brains of humans, insects, animals and fish. While ...read more

Why Do Small Dogs Live Longer Than Large Dogs?

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In the animal kingdom, the general rule is the larger you are the longer you live. Elephants and whales are some of the longest living groups of animals on the planet, and they are respectively the largest organisms on land and in the ocean. Conversely, mice, and other rodents tend to experience much shorter lifespans. However, one strange counterexample is the contrast in lifespan among different sized dog breeds. It is well-known that large dogs don’t live as long as their smaller relatives. ...read more

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