AI Can Teach Math Teachers How To Improve Student Skills

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When middle school math teachers completed an online professional development program that uses artificial intelligence to improve their math knowledge and teaching skills, their students’ math performance improved.My colleagues and I developed this online professional development program, which relies on a virtual facilitator that can – among other things – present problems to the teacher around teaching math and provide feedback on the teacher’s answers.Our goal was to enhance teachers more

How Long Does A Cold Last and How to Get Rid of One Fast

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The sore throat. The packed and painful sinuses. The fatigue. Sure, it’s “just a cold,” but it can feel miserable. And after several days, one can easily wonder when they can expect to feel better.Scientists are still learning about colds and how they impact the body. One thing researchers know for sure — symptoms can last the better part of a month. If it seems like someone in the household is always sick, colds might be the culprit. Adults typically catch two to four colds per year. more

How Do Pacemakers And Defibrillators Work? A Cardiologist Explains How They Interact With The Electrical System Of The Heart

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Your heart’s job is to keep your pulse steady to pump blood throughout your body. Sometimes your heart rate is slower when you’re relaxing, and sometimes it’s faster when you’re exercising or stressed. If your heart’s ability to keep the beat starts to go awry, cardiac electrophysiologists like me look for outside help from an implantable device.There are two common implantable devices for the heart: artificial pacemakers and defibrillators. Artificial pacemakers keep blood and ox more

Man on a Mission: How a Guy from New Jersey is Rallying Communities to Keep Skies Dark and More

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In 2017, Jim Webster began going out at night near his New Jersey home to take pictures of our galaxy. With a 14-millimeter lens and a DSLR, he would capture long exposures of the Milky Way galaxy, revealing the delicate filaments of nebulae and countless clusters of stars hidden within the band of the galaxy’s arm.It was a rekindling of a childhood passion for science and astronomy, first sparked by learning about the Apollo program at school. At home, Webster would stick his telescope out of more

Mathematical Solution Found For Jigsaw Problem We’ve All Faced

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When it comes to the great mathematical problems of the 21st century, the conundrums of jigsaws have been unjustly overlooked for too long. All that now changes thanks to the work of Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher, a data scientist at the University of Toronto and Kent Bonsma-Fisher, a quantum physicist, who have settled a problem that has bedeviled puzzlers the world over.The question at the heart of their endeavor is this: if you have a jigsaw of N pieces that once assembled, fills an area equal to A more

The Cost of Cuteness: Do Selective Breeding Practices Harm Dogs?

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Dog breeds like French bulldogs, pugs, and dachshunds may be suffering from an overdose in cuteness. Essentially, selective breeding for the traits that makes them popular is making it harder for some of them to live normal lives.“It’s truly incredible what people have done with really what is supposed to be our companion,” says Enid Stiles, a veterinarian in Montreal who has been practicing for more than two decades. “Unfortunately, we have managed to totally mess them up.”What Is the more

Do Multivitamins Work and How Do You Know If You Need One?

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My mother-in-law (a retired nurse and dietitian) used to say that in the U.S., we have some of the most expensive pee in the world. We’re taking so many vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and then urinating those pricey supplements right out.In truth, the absorption of nutrients via a daily multivitamin depends on a host of factors, including the quality of the supplement, whether you have certain diseases that prevent the absorption of nutrients, and the type of vitamin and mineral.Do Mu more

The Holidays And Your Brain – A Neuroscientist Explains How To Identify And Manage Your Emotions

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Just as the shift to shorter days and colder weather can bring with it mood swings and other emotional challenges, the holiday season can also bring about somewhat predictable changes in mood and behavior.Around this time of year, many of us experience more stress, anxiety and frustration than usual. These stressors have been linked to higher levels of heart failure and alcohol poisoning and an increase in deaths from stroke.Learning how to recognize what brings about stress and what par more

10 Things You Should Know About Nuclear Fusion

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On Dec. 13, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy announced that scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s National Ignition Facility (NIF) had made a major breakthrough in the pursuit of fusion energy. A team at NIF conducted the first controlled fusion experiment that produced more energy from fusion than the laser energy used to drive it, a condition known as ignition. [embedded content]The team focused 2.05 megajoules of laser light onto a piece of fuel the size of a pepp more

With Long Necks and Vicious Predators, How Exactly Did Dinosaurs Sleep?

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It’s difficult to know how dinosaurs slept because most dinosaurs didn’t die that way.Finding a dinosaur in a sleeping position is uncommon because most fossils we’ve found show dinosaurs in a classic death pose with their bodies contorted, fearing their imminent demise.The only way we can know how a dinosaur slept would be if they fossilized in a sleeping position, and while this has happened, it’s rare. According to Scott Persons, a paleontologist at the College of Charleston in Char more

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