Why Are Some People More Flexible than Others?

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If you’ve ever watched a gymnast effortlessly sink into splits, or seen a prostrate yogi arch their back forward until they feet land inexplicably on either side of their head, then you’ve witnessed a painful truth: Flexibility is not distributed equally.That’s not to say rigidity is a life sentence — just because you can’t touch your toes today doesn’t mean you never will. There are indeed reasons behind the huge variation in suppleness, but they are (at least to some degree) under ...read more

Is It Safe to Sleep After Getting a Concussion?

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Concussion management has long been a problem for doctors, patients, and coaches alike. In the U.S., experts estimate that there are between 1.6 and 3.8 million sports-related concussions every year, often among youth athletes. Still despite their prevalence, there are still plenty of misconceptions surrounding concussions — which can cause headaches for physicians, as well. One of the most common misconceptions? That it's not safe to sleep while concussed. Yet, when it comes to recovery, some ...read more

With a Comically Sad Face, the Blobfish Could be the Ugliest Animal in the World

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In the vast ocean, where extraordinary and bizarre creatures lurk in the mysterious dark depths, one such creature has risen to unexpected fame: the blobfish. Unofficially considered the ugliest animal in the world, the blobfish has captivated the imaginations of scientists and ocean enthusiasts alike, especially over the past few decades. But beyond its unconventional appearance, what do we truly know about this gelatinous – and admittedly unsightly – creature?In this article, we'll take a ...read more

Calcium and Magnesium Don’t Mix, Along With These 6 Other Supplement Combinations

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Almost 75 percent of Americans take dietary supplements, with more than half doing so on a regular basis. While these supplements can benefit people with deficiencies, certain combinations can cause health problems. While some supplements work better when taken simultaneously, creating a synergistic effect — others should not be combined. Whether because of absorption issues or possible harm, it’s best to wait at least two hours between certain supplements for safety reasons.1. Calcium and ...read more

10 Reasons Why You Should Add Kefir to Your Diet

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It’s hard to keep track of every health craze that takes society by storm, but the fermented milk beverage kefir might deserve some recognition for nutrition. With the consistency of a thin yogurt and a somewhat sour, tangy punch, kefir accompanies other probiotic powerhouses — like the trendy fermented tea, kombucha — on supermarket shelves.But this drink didn’t just pop up out of nowhere; kefir has a history as rich as its taste. People from the Caucasus region and all around western ...read more

How Love Languages Can Impact Your Relationships

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What is love? Could those feelings you label as love be something else?What about infatuation? Obsession? A passing fancy? Being smitten? Enthrallment? Beguilement? Lust? A crush? A squish? Platonic admiration? Why do people categorize some attachments as romantic love but not others?Suppose Holly meets someone on vacation. They quickly become romantically and sexually intimate and seem deeply compatible. Holly is from the U.K., where the term “holiday romance” is commonly used and part of ...read more

Why Interstellar Objects Like ‘Oumuamua and Borisov May Hold Clues To Exoplanets

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On October 17 and 18, 2017, an unusual object sped across the field of view of a large telescope perched near the summit of a volcano on the Hawaiian island of Maui. The Pan-STARRS1 telescope was designed to survey the sky for transient events, like asteroid or comet flybys. But this was different: The object was not gravitationally bound to the Sun, or to any other celestial body. It had arrived from somewhere else.The mysterious object was the first visitor from interstellar space observed pas ...read more

Ancient Offerings Unearthed in Tuscany Reveal a Cultural Crossroads

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Field director Emanuele Mariotti unambiguously calls it “the find of the century” — the most significant discovery in Mediterranean archaeology thus far in the 21st century, and maybe in the last century, too.In the autumn of 2022, his team excavating at the ancient thermal baths at San Casciano dei Bagni, Italy, revealed to the public the spectacular relics they’d pulled from the mud. Scholars and armchair archaeologists alike were gobsmacked, both by the abundance of artifacts — more ...read more

A New Look At Our Linguistic Roots

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Almost half of all people in the world today speak an Indo-European language, one whose origins go back thousands of years to a single mother tongue. Languages as different as English, Russian, Hindustani, Latin and Sanskrit can all be traced back to this ancestral language.Over the last couple of hundred years, linguists have figured out a lot about that first Indo-European language, including many of the words it used and some of the grammatical rules that governed it. Along the way, they’ve ...read more

Researchers Hope To Harness Tidal Energy to Power Faroe Islands

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For centuries, life on Hestur, a small Faroese island located halfway between Scotland and Iceland in the northeast Atlantic, was isolated: Streymoy, the biggest of the 18 islands that comprise the Faroe Islands, is almost ironically close, within eyeshot, but powerful currents in the fjord dividing the two islands long made travel between them difficult.Today, a modern ferry connects Hestur and Streymoy, but across most of its history, Hestur’s inhabitants were left to care for themselves. Th ...read more

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