If you’ve ever had the misfortune to swallow a mouthful of seawater, you have some idea of its intense salinity. One small gulp is bad enough, but the total salt content of Earth’s oceans is truly staggering: Based on an average of 7 tablespoons per liter, scientists have calculated that they hold about 50 quadrillion tons (that’s 15 zeros) of dissolved salt.More incredible still, it wasn’t always there. It trickled slowly into the ocean — grain by grain, year by year — from the moun ...read more
Many medical organizations have been recommending lung cancer screening for decades for those at high risk of developing the disease.But in 2022, less than 6% of people in the U.S. eligible for screening actually got screened. Compared with other common cancer screenings, lung cancer screening rates fall terribly behind. For comparison, the screening rate in 2021 for colon cancer was 72%, and the rate for breast cancer was 76%. Why are lung cancer screening rates so poor?I am a pulmonologist who ...read more
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to know someone’s next move and beat them to it? It’s the key to winning a game of chess, negotiating a deal, or winning a round of poker. It makes us better at the tasks at hand, but it may also be that we were better at these skills in the first place.According to research, expertise lays the groundwork when it comes to thinking farther ahead. The more skill you have in something like chess, the better equipped you are to think steps farther ahead when com ...read more
Shorebirds fly thousands of miles each year along ancient and largely unknown migratory routes called flyways. But their populations are crashing amidst climate change and urban development. Global Big Day, on May 11, is your opportunity to get involved during this momentous global migration and help scientists understand how bird populations are changing. Participate in the projects we’ve curated for you below and watch the extraordinary film Flyways, produced by SciStarter partner HHMI Tangl ...read more
If you’re a lazy cook, this will probably come as good news: Not only do you not have to peel most fruits and vegetables before you cook or eat them, you shouldn’t peel most of them.Several studies over the years have found that the peels of fruits and vegetables contain lots of nutrients. “Peelings are excellent, excellent sources of many vitamins and minerals, specifically vitamin C, vitamin K, and the B vitamins,” says Amy Bragagnini, board-certified oncology nutrition specialist and ...read more
Dolphins are known by many for their playful nature and remarkable intelligence. But experts say they have far more in common with humans than meets the eye — like the fact that they’ve been known to form highly advanced social dynamics, building friendships and relationships much like we do. Dolphins typically live in groups called pods, which can consist of as few as two dolphins or as many as 1,000 dolphins in a “super-pod”. Most pods include somewhere between 40 and 60 dolphins, a ...read more
The brown note, sometimes called the brown frequency, is an infrasonic noise frequency that has a particular effect. Hence the name: If you play a note at this very low frequency, it’s known to make you lose your bowels. That’s right, a sound frequency that causes you to run to the potty. Only, it’s not true. According to experts, there is currently no frequency known to man that will make you poop. But some may ask, what is the brown note?The brown note myth likely started as an interne ...read more
Chimps know how to get a grip. What’s more, after they learn how to grasp objects, they show they can improve their hold and modify it for different tasks. This ability starts young and develops well into adulthood, according to observations published in PLOS Biology.Chimps Experiment With GripsFor the recent study, scientists video-recorded 70 wild chimps of various ages using sticks to retrieve food over several years at Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire in Africa. Their intent was to see ...read more
Writing over 2,000 years ago, the Roman author Pliny the Elder stated unequivocally that “without salt, by Hercules, one cannot have a civilized life”. Looking back across the span of human history, it's hard to disagree with Pliny's assessment. Different peoples and cultures across the globe have sought out salt for a variety of reasons. Though today, salt is much maligned due to its presence, and overabundance, in many foods, human beings do need a certain amount of it for a healthy lifest ...read more
An ion might be to blame for an almost dry and devoid-of-water Venus. The planet, the second from the sun, is the hottest in the solar system. Its thick atmosphere holds in so much heat, and the surface is blazing enough to melt lead. But at one point, Venus might have been similar to Earth, a planet with lots of water. A new study published in Nature, found that hydrogen atoms in Venus' atmosphere, needed for water, may have escaped to space. The find, simulated with computer modeling, might ex ...read more