The rice grain-sized microchip from Biohax. (Credit: Biohax)
A Wisconsin company will be the first in the United States to implant microchips beneath the skin of its employees.
Three Squared Market (32M), a break-room kiosk company, has offered to give its workers subdermal RFID tags, tiny rice-grain-sized pellets that can hold information like credit card numbers and passwords. With their “handy” chips, they’ll be able to unlock doors, log in to computers, and, of course, bu more
An artist’s illustration of the orphaned planet WISEA J114724.10−204021.3. Our galaxy is likely teeming with rogue planets, but they’re very difficult to find. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
Not all stars are good parents to their budding planets — some get downright nasty and kick their children into interstellar space.
We’ve found a handful of these free orphaned planets before, and their called “rogue planets.” But a study today in Nature Astronomy sugge more
Toyota’s Collaborative Safety Research Center is working with the University of Michigan on developing heart monitoring methods that could someday help predict heart attacks in drivers. Credit: University of Michigan
A heart attack or diabetic blackout can have especially deadly consequences for drivers when they cause car crashes. Toyota researchers hope to change that grim equation by studying how wearable devices could help smart cars possibly save lives by predicting medica more
Actually, it’s a sunspot group, and the active region it is tied too let loose an aurora-causing eruption of hot plasma
NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft captured this view of a sunspot rotating into view between July 5 and 11, 2017. (Source: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO/Joy Ng, producer)
I guess I just can’t get enough of time-lapse animations.
A couple of days ago, I was mesmerized by an animation of satellite images showing not more
A number of so-called scientific journals have accepted a Star Wars-themed spoof paper. The manuscript is an absurd mess of factual errors, plagiarism and movie quotes. I know because I wrote it.
Inspired by previous publishing “stings”, I wanted to test whether ‘predatory‘ journals would publish an obviously absurd paper. So I created a spoof manuscript about “midi-chlorians” – the fictional entities which live inside cells and give Jedi their powers in more
A new soft robot grows like a creeping vine to weave its way around obstacles and nose into tiny spaces.
From researchers at Stanford University, the robot consists mostly of an inflatable tube that’s been folded in on itself and coiled up. To move, a pneumatic pump fills the tube with air, pushing it forward by drawing material from the inside. In initial tests, the robot stretched as far as 72 meters from an initial length of 28 centimeters and reached speeds of over 20 mph.
Grow Robot, more
Now abandoned, part of Sidoarjo town is entombed in mud metres thick. (Credit: sawerigading)
The world’s most destructive mud volcano was born near the town of Sidoarjo, on the island of Java, Indonesia, just over 11 years ago – and to this day it has not stopped erupting. The mud volcano known as Lusi started on May 29, 2006, and at its peak disgorged a staggering 180,000 cubic meters of mud every day, burying villages in mud up to 40 meters thick. The worst event of its kind in re more
With its vastly improved capabilities, the new satellite has the potential to save the lives of firefighters
Heat and the massive smoke plume from California’s Detwiler Fire are seen in this animation of visible and infrared imagery from the GOES-16 satellite acquired on July 18, 2017. (Source: RAMMB/CIRA)
For decades, satellites have been helping fire managers identify and monitor blazes, based on their smoke plumes and the hot spots they create in infrared imagery.
But as the animation more