Efforts to raise octopuses in captivity, like we do with salmon and other fish, are on the rise. But farming these sea creatures to become our food might be unethical and bad for the environment, some scientists say. ...read more
Initially a cosmic curiosity, the night sky was eventually decoded by ancient peoples, making astronomy one of (if not the) oldest science. ...read more
COVID-19 targets the types of cells that are found in the nose. Researchers say an exposed nose likely makes someone more prone to getting infected. ...read more
The Russian volcano Shiveluch shares a lot of traits with Washington's Mount St. Helens, including a new whaleback dome forming in its crater ...read more
There’s a man who loves chickens almost as much as he loves science. He’s probing the depths of evolutionary biology, genetics and the unexpected benefits of feral birds. ...read more
Mounting evidence shows bugs in your digestive system influence the brain. Experts are now testing psychobiotics as mental health remedies. ...read more
The next generation of the Internet will rely on revolutionary new tech. It will make unhackable networks real — and transmit information faster than the speed of light. ...read more