When someone tells you that you need more fiber in your diet, do you immediately think of bran muffins? Not to disparage bran muffins, but you can do better than that. A diet high in fiber can be surprisingly varied and delicious. And the benefits go way beyond keeping you regular, though that is one big advantage.Dietary fiber helps lower LDL cholesterol (the so-called “bad” cholesterol), stabilizes blood sugar, and can reduce inflammation, explains Amy Bragagnini, board-certified oncology ...read more
Gasoline fuels most light-duty vehicles, such as passenger cars and pickup trucks. Heavy-duty vehicles, like buses, delivery trucks, and long-haul tractor-trailers, typically run on diesel.Both fuel types are needed because gasoline and diesel engines have different strengths. As my automotive engineering students learn, this makes them suitable for different uses.Let’s start with what they have in common. Gas and diesel engines both work through a process called internal combustion.First, the ...read more
In medieval England, “handedness” determined whether one was considered virtuous or evil. The Latin root of “left” literally meant “sinister,” and folks who favored that hand were sometimes accused of witchcraft. Now, imaging technology can tell us how favoring one hand affected bone chemistry, according to a report in PLOS ONE. Researchers used relatively new imaging techniques to analyze the bones of centuries-old skeletons from a famous shipwreck, the Mary Rose. That ship, part of ...read more
Long-term high ultrafine particle concentrations in New York state neighborhoods are linked to higher numbers of deaths. That is the key finding of our new research, published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials.Our study shows that high levels of ultrafine particles in the atmosphere over long periods of time are significantly associated with increased non-accidental deaths, particularly from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.Ultrafine particles are aerosols less than 0.1 micrometers, o ...read more
Stories define people – they shape our relationships, cultures, and societies. Unlike other skills replaced by technology, storytelling has remained uniquely human, setting people apart from machines. But now, even storytelling is being challenged. Artificial intelligence, powered by vast datasets, can generate stories that sometimes rival, or even surpass, those written by humans.Creative professionals have been among the first to feel the threat of AI. Last year, Hollywood screenwriters prot ...read more