At the beginning of the 20th century, Santiago Ramón y Cajal, often called “the father of modern neuroscience,” made it clear: In adults, “the nerve paths are something fixed, ended, and immutable. Everything may die, nothing may be regenerated,” he wrote. The inability of adults to produce new neurons was pretty much the central dogma of neuroscience until the 1960s. But as with a lot of fathers in that decade, a younger person challenged Ramón y Cajal’s decree.In 1962, Josef Altma more
Snapshots of colorful galaxies and planets show that the beauty of our universe knows no bounds, and recent images of glowing space gas and dust captured by NASA are no exception. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has caught yet another visual spectacle, depicting layers of interstellar material illuminated by a supernova in a phenomenon known as a thermal light echo.Getting a glimpse of the brilliant scene through JWST, a team at NASA created a 3D scan of the interstellar material that disp more
They don’t always own up to it, but many parents play favorites, treating their more favored children differently than their less favored. According to recent research in the Psychology Bulletin, certain children tend to be the favorites, as parents may be more inclined to treat their daughters, as well as their agreeable and conscientious children, better.“Differential treatment from parents can have lasting consequences for children,” said Alexander Jensen, a study author and an associat more
The desert is one of the harshest environments to live in. It can be extremely hot during the day and freezing cold at night. There is sparse vegetation and little shade. The terrain is often rough, and to top it all off, there is minimal water. Desert inhabitants must be adaptable to survive these harsh conditions. As humans, to thrive in desert life, we must find ways to stay hydrated, stay out of the sun, and find food and shelter. It’s much easier to survive in the desert now, with modern more
To the Stone Age agriculturalists on Bornholm, a Danish island off the coast of Sweden, the best way to deal with bad weather was to sacrifice stones. That’s according to recent research in Antiquity, which reimagines the island’s sun stone artifacts as summons for the sun.The stones appeared at the Neolithic, or New Stone Age, site of Vasagård approximately 4,900 years ago, at around the same time as a devastating volcanic winter in Northern Europe. The objects may have been sacrificial do more