Eggshells Fill a 30-Million-Year Fossil Record Gap for Dinosaur Migration

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Eggshells found in Utah fill a 30-million-year fossil record gap and provide a snapshot of a time when dinosaurs were migrating from Asia to North America via a land bridge, according to a paper in PLOS ONE.The fossils include eggshells from three feathered bird-like dinosaurs, two plant-eating dinosaurs, and one crocodile-like species. It is also the first new dinosaur eggshell discovery from the region in 50 years, as well as the first evidence of a crocodilian species outside of Europe.The co more

Vikings Didn’t Just Raid and Pillage – They Had Diplomacy and Trade Networks, Too

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You may think of Vikings as warriors raiding and ransacking Medieval European villages. But this image of Viking hordes embarking on sea voyages with the sole purpose of pillaging is changing with new discoveries that reveal extensive trade networks spanning Europe and beyond.Experts are revealing entirely different relationships built on the exchange of a wide variety of goods from far away places for Viking society.Archaeological evidence reveals that materially, the Viking world was like that more

Ash Cloud From Mt. Vesuvius Turned One Victim’s Brain to Glass

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Intense heat generated by Mt. Vesuvius’ eruption turned one victim’s brain to glass. While gruesome, the finding published in the journal Scientific Reports, lends insight into the chaotic events that fatal day in A.D. 79.Although the eruption was a singular event, it killed people in multiple manners. Many Pompeii people suffocated from breathing in toxic fumes from a cloud of gas and ashes. Some may have been crushed by falling objects during an earthquake that may have preceded the event. more

Ancient People May Have Thought UAPs Were Gleaming Ships in the Sky or Bad Omens

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To have a view on aliens and whether or not they exist, you have to believe in outer space in general and other planets beyond our own. So, what does this mean for ancient civilizations? How did they view outer space, the stars, and the objects that we today would refer to as unidentified aerial phenomena (unidentified anomalous phenomenonfile/UAPs)?It’s all about how they viewed the universe in general, says Marcus Harmes, an associate director of research at the University of Southern Queens more

Lunar Trailblazer and IM-2 Will Depart for the Moon in Search of Water

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The search for water on the moon is about to take a massive leap into new territory as NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer orbiter and the latest Intuitive Machines lunar lander get ready to launch. These missions — riding together on the same SpaceX Falcon9 rocket — both aim to answer key questions about the presence of water on the moon, which has become a top priority in space exploration. The launch is scheduled for the evening of the Feb. 26, 2025 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Whil more

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