Understanding Sigmund Freud’s Id, Ego and Superego

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There’s an academic exercise in psychology classes that asks students to take Sigmund Freud’s concept of the id, ego, and superego and apply it to characters from The Simpsons. Homer’s impulsiveness typically casts him as the id, Marge’s down-to-earth mentality makes her the ego, and Lisa’s conscientiousness represents the superego.The activity helps students learn about the history of psychology, and although Freud’s theory directed the discipline for decades, scholars now debat ...read more

Pieces of Another Planet Are Embedded Deep Within Earth, Scientists Claim

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An ancient planet named Theia collided with Earth some 4.5 billion years ago and left large amounts of its iron-rich material embedded in our planet, according to a new study.Researchers first identified the material by studying seismic waves, which travel more slowly in the denser material. The continent-sized deposits lie beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean and are each about twice the size of the moon.Earth's Collision With an Ancient PlanetAs dramatic as it may sound, our collision with a w ...read more

Could Translating Whale Songs Help Us Find Aliens?

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If you’ve ever listened to a recording of whale song, you know that it can be haunting, beautiful, and moving. The songs of humpbacks and the clicks, called codas, of sperm whales are sophisticated forms of communication, according to research.But what are they actually saying to each other? We humans don’t know, but some scientists are trying to find out. And when they do, they hope that being able to communicate with whales could not only help save life on this planet but also allow us ...read more

Painful Predicament: Why Do Wisdom Teeth Hurt So Much?

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For many, the mere mention of "wisdom teeth" conjures up memories of sore jaws, throbbing pain, and soft food diets. But what's the real deal behind these notoriously late-blooming teeth, and why do they cause so much trouble? Let’s dive into the science behind the pain and unravel the mystery of wisdom teeth.What Are Wisdom Teeth?Wisdom teeth, known as third molars, are the last teeth to develop and appear in the mouth. According to Cleveland Clinic, wisdom teeth typically emerge between the ...read more

What Are Ultra-Processed Foods: Can They Affect Your Mental Health?

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More often than not, a trip to the grocery store ends up with the purchase of packaged snacks, sugar-sweetened beverages, or reconstituted meat products, also known as ultra-processed foods. These foods make up more than 70 percent of the packaged foods in the U.S. and represent about 60 percent of the calories consumed by the average American.Extensive research has already indicated how detrimental ultra-processed foods are to your physical health — but what about your mental health?What Are ...read more

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