You Want a Dog, But Are Allergic – Can a Hypoallergenic Dog Really Help?

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In the U.S., the rising trend of dog ownership goes hand in hand with a surge in people seeking allergy-friendly canine companions. This has led to the popularity of so-called hypoallergenic dogs – breeds purported to be less likely to trigger allergic reactions. But, digging into the science of dog allergies, the reality of hypoallergenic dogs gets a little hairy.Are Hypoallergenic Dogs Real?Ultimately, the concept of a hypoallergenic dog is more a product of hopeful thinking than a reflectio more

Internal Body Sensations Could Reduce Some Of The Most Lethal Mental Health Conditions

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Did you know that anorexia is the most lethal mental health condition? One person dies from an eating disorder every hour in the U.S. Many of these deaths are not from health consequences related to starvation, but from suicide.Up to 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men in the U.S. will develop an eating disorder by age 40, and 1 in 2 people with an eating disorder will think about ending their life. About 1 in 4 people with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa will attempt to kill themselves, an more

The Carnivore Diet Says to Only Eat Meat – Is This Healthy?

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While a plant-based diet avoids animal products, a carnivore diet allows its followers to consume only meat and other animal products — a limit, some say, that comes with a host of health benefits. Philip Ovadia, a Florida-based cardiothoracic surgeon is one of the diet’s avid proponents. Ovadia, who first went low-carb before transitioning to fully carnivore five years ago, credits the lifestyle change for helping him lose weight and increase his energy and mental clarity. “During the eig more

Your Skin Can Become Dry, Cracked, and Damaged in the Winter — Here’s Why

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You step outside into snow-dusted streets, filling your lungs with the crisp air as you feel that satisfying crunch beneath your feet. It’s only later, when you look at your bare hands back inside, that you see (and feel) it: Red, raw, and rough skin, as itchy as it is uncomfortable.It’s almost a given that your skin will get drier and flakier in the winter months — perhaps even after you’ve already slathered it with moisturizer. But why, specifically, do our hands, feet, and lips become more

CRISPR Gene Editing: Moving Closer To Home

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Around the turn of the century, microbiologists at Danisco USA Inc. had a problem: The bacteria they used to make yogurt and cheese were getting infected with viruses. Investigating more deeply, the scientists found that some bacteria possessed a defense system to fight off such viral invaders. These virus-resistant bacteria carried weird, repetitive collections of DNA letters in their chromosomes — bits of DNA from their encounters with past viruses that the microbes had “saved” in their more

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