(Credit: LiaoZhuangDjiu/Shutterstock)
Kanzi is a linguistic all-star among apes. From an early age, the captive bonobo learned over 400 symbols representing words, which he points to, in order to communicate with people. He understands even more spoken English and basic grammar, and followed verbal directions as well as a 2-year-old human during a study conducted in the late 80s.
Having watched Kanzi clips more times than I care to admit, I’m ceaselessly amazed by his communication skill ...read more
An international team of scientists has discovered a massive meteor crater under a glacier at the edge of the Greenland ice sheet. This artist’s rendition shows what the meteor impact might have looked like. (Source: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Jefferson Beck)
A very curious feature has long been visible in satellite images of Greenland’s massive ice sheet, but until now, no one really knew for sure what formed it.
The edge of the Greenland Ice Sheet include ...read more
(Credit: Somchai Som/shutterstock)
Are you a coffee drinker? This banal get-to-know-you question becomes strange when you really think about the anticipated dichotomy of a firm yes or no answer. A few people might dabble in the delicious, charming, soul-warming beverage (you can see where my allegiances lie), but many more seem to either love or hate the bitter stuff.
People on either end of the coffee spectrum might think of the other, are you seriously tasting what I’m tasting? It woul ...read more
Credit: Shutterstock
After a long day’s work, sometimes you can’t help but drool over that hot, tempting meal sitting in front of you. Well, it turns out that your liver can’t either.
A new study published in Cell Reports on November 15 suggests that simply seeing and smelling food preps your body for delicious digestion. The research shows that the specific neurons activated in freshly-fed mice were also activated in mice exposed to just the sight and aroma of food. These in ...read more