Tyrannosaur Teeth Fuel Rare Fossil Find in England

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Dinosaur fossils have been dug up across the world, but one of the newest discoveries involves a ferocious creature with a familiar name that left its teeth behind in coastal England. Researchers recently unearthed fossil evidence denoting the presence of Tyrannosaurs in the Bexhill-on-Sea region of East Sussex, along the southern coast of England. A December 2024 study published in Papers in Paleontology details the process leading researchers to determine that a slew of dinosaur predators sto ...read more

A Year on Planet Earth — Part 3

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In this final installment of a three-part series recapping some of the most dramatic and significant events of 2024, I'll start with a look at the record-setting hurricane season that recently ended. And then, to balance things out, I'll finish with some dazzling events that brought us great beauty during the year.But first, for Part 1 of the series, go here. And for Part 2, here. And now, let's get to it — Part 3 of "A Year on Planet Earth":Above Average Atlantic Hurricane SeasonThe Atlantic ...read more

A Year on Planet Earth — Part 2

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It really has been a drama-filled year for our home planet. With relentless, record-setting global heating, rampaging wildfires, and extreme storms, we've had ample reason to be seriously concerned about the future. But other events, have amazed us with great beauty and displays of creative energy. Among them were awesome volcanic eruptions of lava in Iceland and Hawaii, as well as mind-boggling eruptions of plasma from the Sun that caused dazzling displays of the Northern Lights. During 2024, I ...read more

The World’s Tallest Waterfall Is Underwater and Crucial to the Atlantic Ocean

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Some of the most stunning and spectacular sites on the planet are waterfalls. Not only are they beautiful, but these natural water breaks can have cultural significance, help shape landscapes, create microclimates, and even be used as a source of hydroelectricity. The tallest waterfalls on the planet can reach heights of over 1,000 feet, with millions of gallons of water spilling over them. And while the tallest waterfall on land is Angel Falls in Venezuela, which stands at 3,212 feet tall, the ...read more

Whooping Cough Is Increasing in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Whooping cough cases are increasing in the United States, having hit their highest point in a decade, according to preliminary data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).Based on the data, there were around 32,000 cases of whooping cough in the U.S. by mid-December in 2024, but around 6,000 cases by mid-December in 2023. There were also more cases of whooping cough in 2024 than in any other year since 2014 (and more cases than in all of 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 combine ...read more

Cosmological Evidence Emerges That Dark Energy Is An Illusion

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Back in 1998, astronomers made a curious discovery. By studying the behavior of distant supernovas, they concluded that the universe is not just expanding, but that this expansion is accelerating. The cosmos, they concluded, is exploding. The discovery rocked cosmology. It implied that the universe would probably experience a long cold death as its components raced inexorably away from each other. It also raised the question of what was causing this acceleration. Cosmologists eventually decided ...read more

2025 Will Be an Exciting Year for Space Missions

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In 2024, space exploration dazzled the world.NASA’s Europa Clipper began its journey to study Jupiter’s moon Europa. SpaceX’s Starship achieved its first successful landing, which is a critical milestone for future deep space missions. China made headlines with the Chang’e 6 mission, which successfully returned samples from the far side of the Moon. Meanwhile, the International Space Station continued to host international crews, including private missions like Axiom Mission 3.As an aero ...read more

Calderas Across Two Worlds

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The current eruption at Kīlauea in Hawai'i that started just before Christmas is still rolling along. The activity from the major vents on the edge of the Halema'uma'u crater has waxed and waned some, but lava fountains reaching tens of meters (hundreds of feet) have been common for the past week. The USGS Hawaii Volcano Observatory reports that lava from this eruption has covered two-thirds of the caldera floor. An overflight of the volcano on December 27 showed the extent of the new, dark, bl ...read more

A Year on Planet Earth — Part 1

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When I conceived the idea for this column in 2013, I came up with the name "ImaGeo" as a mashup of "image" and "geo" — as in "images of Earth." (The mashup also hinted at "imagination.")Since then, I've tried whenever possible to emphasize images of Earth from space, as well as imagery created with data from other kinds of sensors. With that original ImaGeo theme in mind as 2024 was drawing to a close, I thought I would pick a selection of compelling images that helped me tell the stories of n ...read more

Health Benefits or Negative Impacts Still Uncertain for Most Supplements

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Lining grocery store shelves are supplements like omega fish oil, goat’s rue and others that sound more like the ingredients of a witch’s cauldron. Social media influencers also push high-tech sounding pills like CoQ10 or plant sterols to their followers. And you can find the classic supplements online or in person — vitamin D, vitamin C or a daily multivitamin.In the United States, the supplement market was estimated to be worth $42.6 billion in 2022, and it was projected to increase up t ...read more

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