African Americans face higher risks for many diseases. This is partly due to poverty, discrimination and lack of access to care. But there may be something different about the higher rates of Alzheimer's. more
Meanwhile, the Colorado Rockies have so far received a bounty of snow. But new research portends a dry future ahead for 40 million people in the western U.S. and Mexico. more
The first working seismometer on Mars has detected 174 marsquakes in just 10 months. The results confirm that the Red Planet is both seismically and volcanically active. more
The theory of panspermia — the idea that simple life can travel from world to world — is back in the limelight after several interstellar objects were discovered in our solar system. more
Equipped with air quality sensors, an African American neighborhood in Charlotte, North Carolina, is trying to reverse decades of environmental injustice. more