About 120 Million Years Ago, a Theropod With Giant Claws May Have Ruled Australia

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A new fossil discovery may rewrite Australia’s Cretaceous Period evolutionary history. Paleontologists led by Museums Victoria Research Institute and Monash University uncovered what they believe is the oldest known megaraptorid and possibly the first known evidence of carcharodontosaurs from Australia’s Victoria Coast. According to the study published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, these findings could change what science has known about predatory hierarchy in Cretaceous Austra ...read more

2,500 New Active Black Holes Identified, Raising Questions About How They Evolve

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Scientists using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) have completed two major tasks. They’ve compiled the largest ever sample of dwarf galaxies (systems contain up to a mere several billion stars, compared to the Milky Way’s estimated 2 billion to 400 billion) that host an actively feeding black hole. They’ve also recorded the largest collection of potential intermediate-mass black holes so far.Both results are reported in The Astrophysical Journal and provide new insight into ...read more

Why Pumas Slaughtered Thousands of Penguins in Argentine Patagonia

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It was a slaughter. By 2007, a family of pumas likely killed thousands of Magellanic penguins (MP), over the course of several nesting seasons along the wild coastline of Argentine Patagonia.A group of scientists scoured the Monte León National Park crime scene, collected information, and have now presented some theories about the root causes of this seabird mass murder. They have also named some unwitting co-conspirators behind the killings: humans, according to an article in the Journal for N ...read more

Can’t Remember Your Dreams? These Might Be the Reasons Why

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Although almost everyone dreams for a large part of the night, not everyone can recall their dreams in the morning. Some people wake up and consistently remember their dreams in vivid detail — including complex storylines, dialogue, and locations — while others have no dream memory whatsoever.Scientists from the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca in Italy set out to investigate the factors influencing dream recall. They published their findings in Communications Psychology to contribute t ...read more

Haunting Ghosts Could Actually Just be Lights Coming From Earthquakes

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Susan Hough, a seismologist at the United States Geological Survey (USGS), was scouring archives for information about a 7.3-magnitude earthquake that struck Charleston, South Carolina, in 1886. Her search brought her to a bookstore where she encountered Haunted Summerville, a collection of eerie tales from a small town just north of Charleston.“It was the sort of thing you stash in the back of your mind,” Hough says. At first, she didn’t give it much thought. But near Halloween, when the ...read more

Wild Fish Can Recognize Individual People, and Maybe Even Human Faces

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When it comes to animals with incredible memories, fish typically don’t come to mind, in fact, it's quite the opposite. Even the poor goldfish has been accused of only having a 10-second memory, though science has proved that false. However, a new study published in Biology Letters found that not only do certain fish have a great memory, but they’re also able to tell people apart. Could Fish Recognize Humans?While doing research for a different study, divers in a research station in the Me ...read more

Exoplanet Winds Expose a World Out of Science Fiction

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The weather inside our Solar System is tough to track. But even tougher to track is the weather outside our Solar System. Implementing all four of the telescope units of the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), a team of researchers has observed the weather on WASP-121b, or Tylos, an exoplanet around 900 light-years away, identifying the layers of its atmosphere for the first time. Reporting their results in a study in Nature, the team identified three layers of churning ...read more

A New Leopard-Like Apex Predator Ruled the Jungle 30 Million Years Ago

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There’s a new king in town — if the town you’re talking about is the Egyptian jungle 30 million years ago.Paleontologists unearthed a nearly complete skull of an apex predator, which likely hunted early versions of primates, hippos, and elephants in what is now a desert. The skull included sharp teeth and signs of powerful jaw muscles. The scientists described it as having a hypercarniverous diet in recent study published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.The leopard-like animal sk ...read more

Dinosaur Extinction Allowed Seeds to Grow and Fruits to Flourish

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The demise of dinosaurs around 66 million years ago sent major ripples throughout ecosystems, and it may have even paved the way for fruit to evolve. New research has scoured through the evolutionary history of fruit and seeds to determine when and how they changed in size over time, confirming that dinosaur extinction led to the growth of large fruit that fueled our primate ancestors’ diets. A recent study published in the journal Palaeontology shows the ebbs and flows of seed size throughou ...read more

With the Spread of Bird Flu, Cooking Eggs with Precaution May be Beneficial

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While bird flu has rendered eggs expensive, are they still safe to eat? In April 2024, when Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) began taking hold in U.S. poultry flocks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a consumer guidance assuring the public that eggs remain safe for human consumption. “The likelihood that eggs from infected poultry are found in the retail market is low and proper storage and preparation further reduce the risk,” according to the FDA guidance.The risk ...read more

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